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tv   CBS Overnight News  CBS  August 18, 2016 2:07am-3:59am EDT

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cultural conservatism. >> you have little baby girls being killed because they're girls. >> she never managed a presidential campaign. conway will travel with trump. the absence of a powerful adviser on the road contributed advisers said to trump's many recent gaffes. conway today said this, about new trump tactics. >> my own view of the pivot is substance. it's not style. >> reading from a teleprompter last night. trump was characteristically abrasi abrasive. lashing out at hillary clinton as indifferent to the plight of the urban poor. >> we reject the bigotry of hillary clinton, which panneders to and talks down to communities of color, and sees them only as votes, that's all they care about. >> trump spoke outside of milwaukee in a county where the population is nearly 96% white and mostly republican. a safe zone for broad sides against liberalism and
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crime. scott, paul manafort,
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♪ [female narrator] even if you're not planning on getting pregnant now, you should know that foods rich in folic acid like white bread and leafy greens can help prevent some birth defects before you even know you're pregnant.
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♪ ♪ >> joining us nor insight into this, john dickerson, cbs news political director and moderator of "face the nation." john, what are republicans saying about this chaos at the top of the campaign? >> well that's the word they're using is "chaos" and to the extent that they felt calm in recent weeks they thought that donald trump would listen to their advice and start doing some of the things you have to do to run a general election. but in this change. donald trump is saying, win or lose i am going to be my sef. that's what worries them. because that means heap is not listening to their advice and just going to take his own advice. >> trump's principal claim to the presidency is his management skill. this runs counter to that narrative? >> right, the promise of his campaign, though i have no experience, i will come into the
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presidency and whip it into shape because i have special management skill. well his campaign is a test of that. in the primaries he beat 16 opponents. did very well. he is having a much tougher time in the general election. now with his additional change, he is either looking like the kind of fellow who came back from repeated bankruptcies or it just looks like a sign of desperation. >> hillary clinton is leading in almost all of the critical swing states. what does trump have to do to get back in the game? >> to get back in the game he has to make it about hillary clinton and stop making it about himself. he has to get the conversation off that issue. >> john dickerson. see you sunday on "face the nation." thanks. the trump campaign manager pushed aside is republican strategist paul manafort. and like many consultants, manafort hired out to campaigns in other countries. one of his clients the pro russian president of ukraine, who was later overthrown. now, manafort's name has come u
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suggests big payments for his talents. charlie d'agata is in ukraine. >> reporter: nazar kholodnytski is ukraine's new anti-corruption prosecutor. leading the investigation into the secret handwritten ledger showing $5 billion in undisclosed cash payments that were allegedly handed out by the party of former president, victor yanukovych. paul manafort's client at the time. the prosecutor confirmed that manafort's name appears 12 times for 22 different entries totaling $12.7 million between 2007 and 2012. >> are his signatures there? >> no. there is not any signature of paul manafort. but his name is being mentioned sever times. >> reporter: manafort denied receiving any cash payments. investigators say they're now tracking down each recipient who signed for the cash.
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the ridger ledger is here at anti-national anti-corruption bureau, we weren't allowed to film it because of the on going investigation. a source showed us a copy of one of the pages. on october 5, 2012, paul manafort's name appears against the sum of $400,000. designated for exit polling. another $812,000 was marked for international observers. backed by russia, yanukovych was accused of corruption to fund a lavish lifestyle including a palatial mansion complete with a private zoo. he was jooverthrown in 2014. manafort helped yanukovych win several elections. and former co-worker, defended manafort. paul didn't run expensive technology projects, he said the he worked mostly in foreign policy. so, i don't understand what this is about. paul manafort continued to
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after the former president fled. investigators believe the ledger was left behind in party headquarters. and scott, the person who handed over that ledger is now in hiding. >> charlie d'agata in kiev for us tonight. charlie, thanks. now a miystery in rio, olympic swimmer ryan lochte had a reality show once "what would ryan lochte do?" tonight the question is what did ryan lochte do in rio? here is ben tracy. >> reporter: the security camera video shows ryan lochte and three members of the u.s. swim team returning to the athletes' village in rio sunday morning. it was shortly after lochte says they left a party at france's hospitality house and were robbed at gun point by men posing as police. >> they pulled us over. they pulled out their guns. they told the other swimmers to get down on the ground. >> rep
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rio police went to the athletes village looking to further question lochte and teammate jimmy feigen. a brazilian judge ordered their passports seized because of discrepancies in their stories. she says lochte claims they were robbed by one person who stoeld $400 from him. feigen said they were robbed by several people. the judge noted the swimmers do not appear to be shaken up in the security video despite lochte's dramatic account of the lobbery. >> the guy pulled out his gun. recocked it. put it to my forehead. said get down. i put my hand up. i said whatever. >> lochte won gold in rio as a member of the relay team. his lawyer said he is back in the united states and cooperated fully when first questioned in brazil. jimmy feigen is here in brazil, federal police have been told at the airport not to allow him to board a plane. lochte's attorney says lochte stands by his version of the story and that brazil is doing this to deflect criticism of the
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>> ben tracy, our i mann rio. thanks. coming up next, a hunter spears a bear and ends up in the cross hairs of controversy. our bacteria family's been on this cushion for generations. alright kiddos! everybody off the backpack, we made it to the ottoman. i like to watch them clean, but they'll never get me on the mattress! finally there's a disinfectant mist designed for sofas, mattresses and more. introducing new lysol max cover. its innovative cap has a 2x wider spray that kills 99.9% of bacteria. max cover is another great way to lysol that.
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an american hunter caused an uproar by spearing a bear in canada. don dahler tells us it is not the primitive weapon that has him under fire. >> reporter: the video on youtube shows josh bowmar luring a black bear with bait where he set up cameras. the javelin champion throws a spear mounted with a gopro. and celebrates as the more tale wounded animal runs away. >> i found him. >> the next day, bowmar located the dead bear. but social media exploded with reaction. conservation writer, johnny sain doesn't object to the hunt but says posting the video was a mistake. >> i don't think killing an animal should be entertainment. is a spiritual experience. i don't know if t
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something that need to be shared with the general audience. >> reporter: in a statement to cbs news, bowmar defended his actions. the bear i speared only ran 60 yards and died immediately. that's as humane and ethical as one could get. the public reaction is similar to the killing of cecil the lie yn last year by american dentist walter palmer. and recently, aryanna gourdon received death threats over big game animals she has killed. sociologist, david grazzia. >> hunting has been around forever. why all the outrage now. >> first time in human history ordinary people have ability to broadcast their ever day lives to a mass audience. every day consumers now have access to more intimate moments of violence. and in this case, it's the hunting of a bear. >> alberta canada, where the hunt occurred
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hunting this fall since the killing last year of cecil the lion, a number of countries tightened trophy hunting laws. and many airlines refuse to ship the animal remains. >> don dahler, thank you very much. coming up next, for the first time, zika spreads, state to state. ugh, this pimple's gonna last forever. oh come on. clearasil ultra works fast to begin visibly clearing up skin in as little as 12 hours. and acne won't last forever. just like your mom won't walk in on you forever. stephen! stephen! stephen! stephen! stephen! see what i'm sayin acne won't last. but for now, let's be clear. clearasil works fast. this back to school, get clearer skin for free. limited time offer in stores now.
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today, florida reported three more people have been infected with the zika virus. apparently by local mosquitoes. all in a one square mile area of the wynwood area. a total of 33. dr. jon lapook is with us. john, earlier this week we heard a patient in el paso, texas has zika after being apparently bitten in miami. what does that mean? >> scott, until now the phrase travel related zika meant the person picked up the virus outside continental united states say in brazil. this travel was from one state to another state. from florida to texas. so now, a travel history for zika has got to include that small area in miami. >> so is there evidence of an outbreak in texas? >> no, the concern is a traveler like him with zika in their blood could return home, get bitten by a local mosquito. infect the mosquito that would turn nd
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and new pocket of local transmission. the cdc says people going to area with active zika transmission should avoid getting bitten by mosquitoes once they return home. that means covering up, staying indoors whenever possible, and using insect repellant for three weeks. >> but want to emphasize the only zika in mosquitoes in the continental u.s. so far is in the miami area. john, thank you very much. we have a cbs news poll out tonight that find nearly two out of three americans believe that the federal government is not prepared to deal with zika. as the virus spreads, there is no new funding from congress and congress is on vacation through labor day. an expert on eyes puts his to work in a new career. coming up.
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they can stop a linebacker, snag a baseball, and catch the fastest man, but all they train are their eyes. here is jim axelrod. >> as usain bolt's smile remind us it is the single frame capturing the single moment that tells some of the most compelling stories. >> now, tense and turn. >> that's no surprise for howard schatz capturing the moments in his day job. >> how h
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scott to pose like this. >> it wasn't hard. i spent half an hour interviewing him. >> schatz one of the world's great sports photographers. >> want it to be heroic and fantastic and magnificent. i want to bring throngs of people look and ooh and ah. >> 21 years ago, dr. howard schatz changed careers. the eye surgeon left one set of lenses for another. following a call-in to capture the brilliance of alternative lee -- athletes like sergio martinez. >> i had never seen anything like it. >> you knew you nailed it? >> i did. >> his work is part of an exhibit who shot sports at new york's brooklyn museum which includes everything from the oldest known sports photograph, dating from 1843, to mohammad ali running underwater. gail buckland the curator. >> sports photographs show us the beauty of the human body in
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sacrifice, and the victory. >> reporter: 230 images, some iconic, some last seen in a long-forgotten daily paper document the narrow slice of humanity where excellence dwells. >> these people take human potential as far as they possibly can. >> no it may not be the way most of us are following the olympics, but there is something about the richness of one still image that can move us in ways video cannot. howard schatz has built a career on that. >> i shoot to surprise and delight myself. truly. >> reporter: just one of many here who celebrate human movement by the way they stop motion. jim axelrod, cbs news, new york. >> that's the "cbs overnight news" for this thursday. for some of you, the news continues. for others, check back with us a little bit later for the
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from the broadcast center in new york city, i'm scottle pely. >> announcer: this is the "cbs overnight news." welcome to the "cbs overnight news." i'm michelle miller. less than three months to go until the presidential election there is another major shake-up at the top of donald trump's campaign. trump has hired two new executives and put them on top of his current campaign chairman, paul manafort. stephen bannonwho runs conservative website breitbart news, ceo, and, kelly ann conway named campaign manager. a sign that trump has no intention of softening his image as he takes aim at hillary clinton. major garrett reports. >> donald trump is on his third campaign manager, first there was cory lewandowski, then
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because of a scandal linked to a former governor in ukraine, pro russian and maybe off the book payments to manafort. anyway before all that news broke, trump gave a speech that he hoped would appeal to african-american voters by accusing hillary clinton and the democratic party to being indifferent to inner city poverty. >> to every voter living in the inner city, or every forgotten stretch of our society, i am running to offer you a much better future. >> donald trump tried to diversify his political movement by condemning what he called decades of failed democratic urban rule. >> i'm asking for the volt of every african-american citizen struggling in our country today who wants a different and much better future. >> the message was new. but the audience was typical. overwhelmingly white. a recent poll shows trump attracting just 2% of african-american
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less than half what mitt rm knee got in exit polls from 2012 election. >> we will reject bigotry, hatred and oppression in all of its many ugly forms. >> from the start of his campaign, trump has drawn criticism for racial incense tich t sensitivity. >> he is a mexican. >> look at my african-american over here. look at him. are you the greatest? >> this time, trump rekindled a long running conservative argument that democratic policies are to blame for urban despair. >> the african-american community has been taken for granted for decades, by the democratic party. and look how they're doing. >> electing hillary clinton would further enflame racial tensions. >> we reject the bigotry of hillary clinton which panneders to and talks down to communities of color, and sees them only as votes. that's all they care about. hillary clintonay
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her private e-mail server while secretary of state. the fbi sent congress notes and documents from its investigation. nancy cordes reports. >> reporter: the fbi report labeled clinton material, secret. warning leak prone lawmakers it was provided with expectation it will not be disseminated or disclosed without fbi concurrence. the trove of documents includes interview summaries which republicans will pour over looking for discrepancies what clinton told fbi agents and what she told congress. >> nothing was marked classified at the time i sent or received it. >> reporter: republicans are trying to make the case that clinton should be prosecuted for perjury and false statements. the latest salvo in a 17-month war over her use of a private e-mail account and server as secretary of state. the 68-year-old clinton got a clean bill of health from her doctor last year, but that hasn't stopped some far right web sites from spreading a fake letter from that doctor claiming that she h
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prone to blacking out. at first it seemed like an incredible feat, hunter, josh bowmar went out hunting armed with a spear. he let it fly and hit the animal from 40 feet away. that's when the trouble began. turns out bowman had baited the bear with food. after he hit the animal. he let it run away and die only to retrieve the body the next day. what's more, he posted the kill online. don dahler reports. >> josh bowmar, an ohio fitness trainer and former all american javelin champion. he spent several years preparing for this type of hunt which happened earlier this year. canadian authorities are now reportedly investigating whether the 26-year-old broke any laws. >> the 13 minute video shows josh bowmar celebrating after spearing an adult black bear in
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the bear was lured with bait. and bowmar's spear equipped with a gopro camera. the bear's remains were recovered the next day. >> this got full penetration. >> the video since been made private caused outrage on social media and drew criticism from animal rights groups. in response, the alberta environment and parks department reportedly called spear hunting unacceptable. and asked authorities to investigate. >> the reason i, i've been filming the hunts since i was 14 is because i always wanted to have my own show. >> i've don't think killing an animal should be entertainment. >> johnny sain writes about conservation and avid hunter. >> it is a spiritual experience. you are stepping inside the circle. and that triggers all kind of old primal emotions. i don't know if that is something that need to be shared with the general audience. >> reporter: in a statement to cbs this morning, bowmar says
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yards and died immediately. that's as humane and ethical as one could get. >> that's the way humans acquire meat for many, many years before gunpowder. before the bow and arrow. so, it's the weapon is effective. >> political commentator, john mclaughlin died tuesday at 89. he had been battling prostate cancer. mclaughlin worked for two presidents but was best known for his long running panel show, the mclaughlin group. charlie rosef has more. >> reporter: john mclaughlin was part of the sunday morning ritual more than three decades. >> an essay -- >> reporter: the american original brought the political panel to the masses and mclaughlin was known to work over a group of journalists. >> say to john tower, john, your time has come in interest of the pare, yourself, the republic you, ought to withdraw your nomination? has the time come? >> for all i care, they could
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>> before you get too high on your high horse, listen to this. >> reporter: before he tackled national and world politics, the ro he was a jesuit priest. he got the call to enter politics in 1970. though he made an unsuccessful bid for the u.s. senate he wound up in the white house as richard nixon's speech writer. the public affairs program launched in 1982. >> the mclaughlin group's most important fan. >> reporter: by 1985, mclaughlin was being roasted by president ronald reagan. >> in america's diet of political commentary, int nutritional values fall some where between potato chips and twinkies. by raising his issues and making predictions, mclaughlin minted partisan talk. >> let's move on. this is getting a little boring. >> reporter: his trademark signoff made sure he had the last word. >> ye
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american olympic gymnast, aly raisman coming home with three medals. took silver in floor exercises beaten by her teammate simone biles. the first american gymnast to medal in black to back olympic games. jamie yuccas spoke with her proud parents. >> reporter: with tuesday's near perfect floor routine. aly raisman ended her run in rio with a silver medal behind friend and teammate, simone biles. the 22-year-old has three medals to add to the three she won in london in 2012. >> i don't think any one knows how many hours goes into the training and how grueling it is. >> rick and lynn are aly's parents. they spent much of the two decades living as gym rats. it should come as
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they watch every flip, jump and twist with nervous anticipation. >> you are just so caught up in the moment. and you know even though she practices it a million times, it's still, still got to do it. >> the whole time i am thinking up, get through this. hurry up. let the minute and a half go by quick. >> while their performance in the stands won't earn them any medals they have become almost as famous as their daughter. >> you kind are oblivious to anything else that is going on in the world. so it's just, you are so focused on the routine. >> raisman's performance is a redemption after taking a year long break from the sport following the london games. >> she will never say the was harder coming back. a dad being into sports i know it was a lot harder. >> even the best gymnasts rarely make it to multiple olympics. so raisman's final flip on to the podium is that much more impressive. >> the crowd is just like so
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supportive. it is very special and something that we'll always cherish. >> the tiny asian nation of bhutan was shut out in the olympic archery competition again. and the women's bracket, karma, her name, lost to an archer from russia in the round of 64. maybe it's because the targets were too close. barry peterson paid a visit to bhutan before the games began. >> reporter: we have our baseball. in bhutan, the national pastime and passion is archery. competitions bring villages together across this nation. tucked into the himalayas. and attract everyone from peasant to prince. american, oxford educated prince is a regular at tournaments. why is archery important in bhutan's culture? >> arch
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building nationalism and national identity through sport. >> and the prince was there with pointers for the royal visit by the other prince, and princess. william and kate. she took aim in the spirit of friendship. certainly friendlier than in the 1860s when british red coats were kept at bay by bhutan's long-range archers. as they did, for centuries against other invaders. bhutanese archers show their stuff. hitting targets. 476 feet away. and like school teachers, competing at this local tournament, still proud of doing it the old-fashioned way. with bamboo, bow, and arrow. >> this one is a special one. yonka. >> the yonka type of bamboo. >> similar. this yonka costs the most. >> of course at the olympics,
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wielding, competition approved, high tech, carbon fiber bows and arrows and shoot at targets half as the far as they used to. 26-year-old karma won a handful of medals in an asian competition and is tleld to compete in rio. >> being in the olympics is a very, very, big deal. it makes bhutan proud. >> she skaerd her nation's flag at friday night's opening ceremonies. and even though, no bhutanese archer has ever won an olympic medal, the prince who heads its olympic committee has faith that karma its a fighting chance at glory. >> it's in our blood. it's in our blood. we hope we can perform at the international scene. it may run in our genes in our dna. ♪ ♪
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but they'll never get me on the mattress! finally there's a disinfectant mist designed for sofas, mattresses and more. introducing new lysol max cover. its innovative cap has a 2x wider spray that kills 99.9% of bacteria. max cover is another great way to lysol that. one day a rider made a decision. the decision to ride on and save money. he decided to save money by switching his motorcycle insurance to geico. there's no shame in saving money. ride on, ride proud. geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. ugh, this pimple's gonnoh come on.ver. clearasil ultra works fast to begin visibly clearing up skin in as little as 12 hours. and acne won't last forever. just like your mom won't walk in on you forever.
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stephen! stephen! stephen! stephen! see what i'm sayin acne won't last. but for now, let's be clear. clearasil works fast. this back to school, get clearer skin for free. limited time offer in stores now. over the decade, athletes have gotten bigger and faster. and stronger. and now, some are keeping active well into their senior years. lee cowen spoke to elder athletes about what it takes to go the distance. >> attention athletes. this is the final call. >> if you are sitting on your couch, maybe after an extra waffle or two, you haven't worked out in a while. this story may make you feel a little
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but it may also inspire you. after all, how could you not be inspired by some one like dottie gray. on the day of the race she was 90. yep, 90. says so right on her leg. >> i race about 50 times a year. 50 runs. >> we caught up with her she was competing in the world senior games in southern utah. over the years, she has more than once ended up being the fastest runner in her age group. fastest in the world. that is. >> got the two golds. oh, my gosh. >> she has won so many medals, she jangles. around almost any track. >> you're dody, aren't you. >> she is a silver haired celebrity. >> keep moving. that's the main thing. and it doesn't matter how old you are. you can always start. you never are too old to start.
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>> orville rodgers didn't start running until he was in his 50s. he is now 9 #. just two years shy of a century. still works out up to ten hours a week. >> what do you kid old? >> five years older than i am. >> yeah, that's old. >> outstanding overall male athlete of the year. >> orville has broken 15 world records. shattering them the way most people his age might shatter a hip. >> to this day, lee, i amount only man in the world that has run a ten minute mile after age 90. i amount only man in the world that has run a 15 minute mile after age 95. i'm brag, aren't i. >> you have every reason to brag. >> such a massive -- >> a pilot during world war ii. later flu for braneff ville
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blessed with good genes. not super human either. heart troubles led to bypass surgery. had a stroke, not too long ago. but his consistent level of physical activity and his unfailingly positive outlook on life have made orville a true life man of steel. >> i have a determination to hang in there. keep going. never give up. >> reporter: let's face it there are perfectly rational reasons to not want to work out when you get older. it hurts. you are worried about falling. you didn't have friend around any more to work out with. and yet, it's pretty hard to argue with the results. >> let's stop there. >> dickson hemphill, by far the oldest person at george mason university field house in virginia. he is 91. pushing himself to stay active he says, isn't always fun. >> sometimes t
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and i feel like quitting when i'm halfway through. >> reporter: but you don't. >> i don't know no. >> he was an undefeated pole vaulter in high school. but, that was way back in the 1930s. other than golf and a little tennis, he didn't do much as he got older. until one day, he went to a track meet. >> i tried the mile. i got about halfway through and started walking. >> reporter: really? >> i looked around and saw these other people. thinking if they can do it i can. he hasn't stopped running since. we wanted to see what effect that determination has had on his body. >> this arm is progressively going to move down. >> reporter: with his doctor's permission we brought hem to the department of exercise and nutrition scientists at george washington university. where this machine scanned just how much body fat dixon has been carrying around. >> in a perfect specimen, what would you see, if it is different than this? >> in a perfect
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would see this the your body fat is excellent. it is 14%. >> wow. >> that is in the athletic category for a 20-year-old. >> reporter: a 20-year-old. imagine that. >> that's amazing. find that out from this. >> yeah. >> okay. whenever you are ready. >> we can't all be dixon. or orville. or dottie for that matter. they're all exceptions. >> i was hoping to compete until i was 90. well now i made that. so, i will go on, maybe, hopefully a few years. >> reporter: but for the rest of us as we lose muscle mass, the effects of low physical activity are increasingly pronounced. >> all most anybody, even as late as their 70s or 80s cannot only cheat old age, but they also substantially reduce their risk of alzheimers and dementia as doing something as simple as walking. >> what we noticed with two decades of aging research is those pe w
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their rate of decline is much slower. >> at the usa track & field indoors masters championships in albuquerque, new mexico, this past march. the best of the oldest came out to prove age is just a number. >> you ready to go? >> i don't know. >> ha-ha. >> despite that hesitation, orville and dixon wouldn't miss this for the world. >> it's hard not to get excited. >> orville's excitement was infectious. as was his performance in the 1500 meter he broke another world record. truth is he set that record. no one 95 or older has ever raced it. >> go all the way around this way and cut in there. >> you got it. >> in the 400 meter race for
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dixon alone, competing. by their last lap they have the crowd on their feet. just look at that smile. on orville's face. dixon, 7 years his soon year. beat him and was, waiting for him at the finish line. with a handshake. you don't seem winded? >> now, i am okay. well i wasn't that winded. because it is not that long a distance. i can handle that pretty well. >> what does it feel look when you hear everybody cheering for you? >> can't describe it? >> yeah. >> there you go, gentle men. well done. >> you can't help be around the two of them and not feel empowered. >> put them on? >> might as well. >> orville and dixon took the medal stand, side by side. nearly 200 years of life
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for them, there is no finish
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the military is more than a career, it's a journey. and every step along the way, the uso is there. it's an experience that soldier will never forget... that's what the uso does. [announcer] from the time they join, to the time they transition out of the military, the uso is there, offering programs and support along the way. it's way more than a free phone call for us, it's that opportunity to stay mom, and the uso makes it all possible. [announcer] be a part of their journey, learn more today at has been my life long mission for almost 40 years. nutrition is the hallmark of good health and pairing nutrition with an active lifestyle and educating our children on those values i believe can really change the face of the disease in the future. i view my life differently now, because i no longer felt alone anymore. i saw all the little kids with diabetes just like me. with good exercise and good nutrition diabetes can get easier
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latest craze is the 22 push up challenge. it is more than fun and games. jim axelrod explains. >> reporter: it is aimed at raising awareness of mental health issues that members of the american military bring home from war. specifically. veterans who commit suicide every day. the videos are meant to support u.s. troops while hel tpingo lower a deadly >> drop and give me 22. that's the goal of the latest challenge being met by fathers and sons. hollywood stars. >> this is to raise awareness for the 22 veterans. >> even a class of texas state trooper recruits. >> the idea is to bring attention to an o
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our men and women in uniform. for years it was estimated that 22 veterans committed suicide each day. retired marine, don dewinn, deputy director of 22 kill. the foundation behind the challenge. >> when the statistic came out and that 22 veterans are committing suicide. almost unbelievable. we wanted to find out more about where this number came from. >> one parent of a fallen soldier posted this video to youtube less than a week. after losing his marine son. >> six days ago my son committed suicide. after serving in afghanistan. >> randall stevenson said he took the challenge. to reach out to other soldiers in need. >> please, i don't want this to be you. >> rusty carter, an army veteran who tried to kill himself after returning from two tours in iraq is just one of the soldiers receiving that message. >> if i knew of an organization at the time that was doing what we do at 22 kill. i don't feel t i
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attempted suicide. >> today he understands the power of telling vets you are not alone. >> i started to realize that -- the power that there was. by just the advocacy, and spreading that message. >> recently the department of veteran affairs lowered the number to an average of 20 veterans a day who take their own lives. the number may have gone down, but for 22 kill, it is still too many. >> one person committing suicide is a big problem. any number is a big problem. >> reporter: two summers ago, the ice bucket challenge also used social media for a cause raising $115 million for als research. but the founders of 22 kill say they're know cufocused on raisi awareness of the toll of war. that's the "cbs overnight news" nor this thursday. for some the news continues. for others check back a little later for the morning news and cbs this morning. from the broadcast center here i' new york city.
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mass evacuation. a rapidly spreading california wildfire is now the size of san francisco. and growing. >> in my 40 years of fighting fire i have never seen a fire behavior so extreme. >> also tonight, chaos at the top. donald trump goes through three campaign managers in eight weeks. >> the robbery mystery. >> they pulled out their guns. >> brazil orders u.s. olympian, ryan lochte not to leave the country. but his family says he is already home. >>tund, rning the beauty of sports into an art form. >> announcer: this is the "cbs overnight news."
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it hit hard, it hit fast, it hit with an intensity we hadn't seen before. those were the words of fire chief mark hartwig describing the wildfire in san bernardino county, california that has forced a mass evacuation. the runaway fire exploded overnight. torching more than 30,000 acres. and an untold number of homes. nearly 83,000 people evacuated. 34,000 homes are in the path of the fire. carter evans is on the fire line, 60 miles east of los angeles. >> massive flames tearing through miles of dry brush. unstoppable. this is the nightmare wildfire chief mike witkowski always feared. >> in my 40 years of fighting fire i have never seen fire behavior so extreme. >> reporter: unprecedented they say, the result of five years of drought. powerful winar
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fire directly into desert communities, consuming local landmarks and home -- >> that building totally gone. >> home after home after home. >> reporter: it looks like it incinerated everything here? >> correct. it was very nondiscriminate in what it chose to take in its path. >> eric sherwin. >> the biggest thing we had to retreat against the advancing wall of fire. that was something i haven't witnessed in this section ever. >> reporter: despite an all-out air and ground assault, the fire continues to grow. this plane dropped its entire load, 12,000 gallons of retardant. it barely made a dent. in less than 24 hours. the fire mushroomed to 46 square miles, the size of the city of san francisco. so wide an area that firefighters could not reach homes in time. and for a second day, the main road between southern california and las vegas remained
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it is the afternoon hours when the fire is at its worth. that's when the temperatures are the highest, the humidity is the lowest, and the wind is beginning to blow. and scott, that's putting even more homes in jeopardy like the one right here. carter evans on the fire line for us tonight. carter, thank you. in lake county, california, the man accused of starting a wildfire that is still burning appeared in court today. 40-year-old damin pashilk was charged with 13 counts of arson in connection with 14 fires since last year. the most serious this week destroyed 175 homes and businesses. the ex-convict had once been part of a program that teaches inmates to fight fires. he did not enter a plea in court today. across southern louisiana, an historic week of rain is giving way to months of misery ahead. muddy waters draining from homes and streets, revealing devastation from storms that
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40,000 homes are damaged. omar villafranca is in the flood zone. >> the water that flooded baton rouge has moved south. the louisiana national guard went door to door by boat to check on residents unkered down in their homes. sergeant kevin black is a medic. >> does he want to leave? >> no, sir. >> here on the old, amite river, hundreds of homes are nestled on the banks and the national guard is checking on people who live here. only accessible by boat. there is a highway right over here, but it is covered in water. in the air, powerful helicopters from the mississippi national guard, are laying down massive sandbags, working to control the floodwaters. as the water recedes, da
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becomes more clear. and clean-up could be costly. less than 21% of residential properties in louisiana have flood insurance. the national guard also saved thousand of pets. sheila phillips and her grandson ace survived the floodwaters. but thought they lost everything. until they were reunited with tippy at an animal shelter. >> we might have lost possessions, but pets are part of the family. >> reporter: a little built of rain is starting to move in, but that is not stopping the clean-up that is under way in places where the water has already gone down. but, scott, for places like this here in sorrento it could be weeks before they start the clean-up process. >> omar villafranca, thank you. as of today the donald trump campaign is on its third management team in eight weeks. the new head, stephen bannon runs a conservative site, and like two managers before him never run a campaign. the appearance of disarray comes as hillary clinton opens double digit leads in key states. major garrett is covering trump.
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>> donald trump today met with an informal group of national security advisers among them, retired general and defense intelligence chief, michael flynn, and former new york mayor rudy giuliani. around the table, new campaign manager, kelly ann conway, and campaign ceo, steve bannon. trump late ear tended his first-classified briefing as gop nominee. trump's campaign shake-up puts ban non, subject of this bloomberg business profile as a powerful if uncamped right-wing provocateur near the top of the pyramid. ban nonruns breitbart news, a website devoted to trump during the primaries and bashes the gop establishment and delights in nationalist and anti-immigration stories. bannon's role will be to reinforce trump's world view as he did. >> the republican establishment with paul ryan and mitt romney are they not as bad as hillary clinton and barack obama. >> republicans better get smart, start sticking together.
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he lost the election. >> conway, a long time gop pollster, drawn to sharp elbowed cultural conservatism. >> you have little baby girls being killed because they're girls. >> she never managed a presidential campaign. conway will travel with trump. the absence of a powerful adviser on the road contributed advisers said to trump's many recent gaffes. conway today said this, about new trump tactics. >> my own view of the pivot is substance. it's not style. >> reading from a teleprompter last night. trump was characteristically abrasive. lashing out at hillary clinton as indifferent to the plight of the urban poor. >> we reject the bigotry of hillary clinton, which panneders to and talks down to communities of color, and sees them only as
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votes, that's all they care ♪ [electric guitar] caring - soft tone i just need a second. [male narrator] is your weight holding you back and affecting your health? did you see this? hm? your cousin had a heart attack. really? [narrator] excess weight or obesity can be serious . but you can do something about it. visit your weight matters dot org. download the free toolkit to prepare you to speak with a healthcare provider. your weight does matter. accept the challenge
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visit your weight matters dot org. education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. join the international fund for animal welfare to engage children, teachers, parents, whole communities. the animal action education program is good for animals and good for people too. [male narrator] protect whales, [female narrator] polar bears, tigers, [male narrator] elephants, [female narrator] companion animals, and the environment we all share. protect. [goran visnjic] find us at i-f-a-w dot org. speaker 1: noises like that used to make me hit the deck. but now, i can keep going. speaker 2: don't get me wrong, i still don't love crowded places. but it's good to get out again. speaker 3: transitioning from the military can be tough. but many veterans are facing similar challenges. visit to watch our stories, and learn ways to create the story you want to live.
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♪ >> joining us nor insight into this, john dickerson, cbs news political director and moderator of "face the nation." john, what are republicans saying about this chaos at the top of the campaign? >> well that's the word they're using is "chaos" and to the extent that they felt calm in recent weeks they thought that donald trump would listen to their advice and start doing some of the things you have to do to run a general election. but in this change. donald trump is saying, win or lose i am going to be my sef. that's what worries them. because that means heap is not listening to their advice and just going to take his own
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advice. >> trump's principal claim to the presidency is his management skill. this runs counter to that narrative? >> right, the promise of his campaign, though i have no experience, i will come into the presidency and whip it into shape because i have special management skill. well his campaign is a test of that. in the primaries he beat 16 opponents. did very well. he is having a much tougher time in the general election. now with his additional change, he is either looking like the kind of fellow who came back from repeated bankruptcies or it just looks like a sign of desperation. >> hillary clinton is leading in almost all of the critical swing states. what does trump have to do to get back in the game? >> to get back in the game he has to make it about hillary clinton and stop making it about himself. he has to get the conversation off that issue. >> john dickerson. see you sunday on "face the nation." thanks. the trump campaign manager pushed aside is republican strategist paul manafort. and like many consultants, manafort hired out to campaigns in other countries. one of his clients the pro
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who was later overthrown. now, manafort's name has come up in a mysterious ledger that suggests big payments for his talents. charlie d'agata is in ukraine. >> reporter: nazar kholodnytski is ukraine's new anti-corruption prosecutor. leading the investigation into the secret handwritten ledger showing $5 billion in undisclosed cash payments that were allegedly handed out by the party of former president, victor yanukovych. paul manafort's client at the time. the prosecutor confirmed that manafort's name appears 12 times for 22 different entries totaling $12.7 million between 2007 and 2012. >> are his signatures there? >> no. there is not any signature of paul manafort. but his name is being mentioned sever times. >> reporter: manafort denied receiving any cash payments. investigators say they're now tracking down each recipient who signed for the cash. the ledger is here at
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anti-national anti-corruption bureau, we weren't allowed to film it because of the on going investigation. a source showed us a copy of one of the pages. on october 5, 2012, paul manafort's name appears against the sum of $400,000. designated for exit polling. another $812,000 was marked for international observers. backed by russia, yanukovych was accused of corruption to fund a lavish lifestyle including a palatial mansion complete with a private zoo. he was overthrown in 2014. manafort helped yanukovych win several elections. and former co-worker, defended manafort. paul didn't run expensive technology projects, he said the he worked mostly in foreign policy.
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so, i don't understand what this is about. paul manafort continued to work for yanukovych's party even after the former president fled. investigators believe the ledger was left behind in party headquarters. and scott, the person who handed over that ledger is now in hiding. >> charlie d'agata in kiev for us tonight. charlie, thanks. now a mystery in rio, olympic swimmer ryan lochte had a reality show once "what would ryan lochte do?" tonight the question is what did ryan lochte do in rio? here is ben tracy. >> reporter: the security camera video shows ryan lochte and three members of the u.s. swim team returning to the athletes' village in rio sunday morning. it was shortly after lochte says they left a party at france's hospitality house and were robbed at gun point by men posing as police. >> they pulled us over.
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they pulled out their guns. they told the other swimmers to get down on the ground. >> reporter: but this morning, rio police went to the athletes village looking to further question lochte and teammate jimmy feigen. a brazilian judge ordered their passports seized because of discrepancies in their stories. she says lochte claims they were robbed by one person who stoeld $400 from him. feigen said they were robbed by several people. the judge noted the swimmers do not appear to be shaken up in the security video despite lochte's dramatic account of the lobbery. >> the guy pulled out his gun. recocked it. put it to my forehead. said get down. i put my hand up. i said whatever. >> lochte won gold in rio as a member of the relay team. ths lawyer said he is back in
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jimmy feigen is here in brazil, federal poliavce hene bed tol the airport not to allow him to board a plane. lochte's attorney says lochte stands by his version of the story and that brazil is doing this to deflect criticism of the rio olympics. >> ben tracy, our man in rio. thanks. coming up next, a hunter spears a bear and ends up in the cross hairs of controversy. mr. clean gets tough on dirt and grime and grease in just a minute mr. clean will clean your whole house and every room that's in it. floors, doors, walls, halls he's so tough, he cleans'em all grimy tubs and tiles he'll do so your bathroom looks clean as new mr. clean gets tough on stuck-on stuff cleans kitchens in a minute. mr. clean will clean your whole house and every room that's in it. mr. clean, mr. clean, mr. clean!
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an american hunter caused an uproar by spearing a bear in canada. don dahler tells us it is not the primitive weapon that has him under fire. >> reporter: the video on youtube shows josh bowmar luring a black bear with bait where he set up cameras. the javelin champion throws a spear mounted with a gopro. and celebrates as the more tale wounded animal runs away. >> i found him. >> the next day, bowmar located the dead bear. but social media exploded with reaction. conservation writer, johnny sain doesn't object to the hunt but says posting the video was a mistake. >> i don't think killing an animal should be entertainment. is a spiritual experience. i don't know if that is something that need to be shared
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>> reporter: in a statement to cbs news, bowmar defended his actions. the bear i speared only ran 60 yards and died immediately. that's as humane and ethical as one could get. the public reaction is similar to the killing of cecil the lie lion last year by american dentist, walter palmer. and recently, aryanna gourdon received death threats over big game animals she has killed. sociologist, david grazzia. >> hunting has been around forever. why all the outrage now. >> first time in human history ordinary people have ability to broadcast their ever day lives to a mass audience. every day consumers now have access to more intimate moments of violence. and in this case, it's the hunting of a bear. >> alberta cana,
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hunt occurred will ban spear hunting this fall since the killing last year of cecil the lion, a number of countries tightened trophy hunting laws. and many airlines refuse to ship the animal remains. >> dahon dler, thank you very much. coming up next, for the first time, zika spreads, state to state. these days. you are buying finish these days. i got a new dishwasher and they recommend finish. really? you should try it. unlike cascade gel, finish has active cleaning enzymes. its unique powerball takes on anything. choose finish.
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oducing new k-y for massage and intimacy. every touch, gently intensified. a little touch is all it takes. k-y touch. get between you and life's dobeautiful moments.llergens flonase gives you more complete allergy relief. most allergy pills only control one inflammatory substance. flonase controls 6. and six is greater than one. flonase changes everything. ♪ our bacteria family's been on this alright kiddos!erations. everybody off the backpack, we made it to the ottoman. i like to watch them clean, but they'll never get me on the mattress! finally there's a disinfectant mist designed for sofas, mattresses and more. introducing new lysol max cover. its innovative cap has a 2x wider spray that kills 99.9% of bacteria. max cover is another great way to lysol that.
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today, florida reported three more people have been infected with the zika virus. apparently by local mosquitoes. all in a one square mile area of the wynwood area. a total of 33. dr. jon lapook is with us. john, earlier this week we heard a patient in el paso, texas has zika after being apparently bitten in miami. what does that mean? >> scott, until now the phrase travel related zika meant the person picked up the virus outside continental united states say in brazil. this travel was from one state to another state. from florida to texas. so now, a travel history for zika has got to include that small area in miami. >> so is there evidence of an outbreak in texas? >> no, the concern is a traveler like him with zika in their blood could return home, get
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infect the mosquito that would turn around and infect people and new pocket of local transmission. the cdc says people going to area with active zika transmission should avoid getting bitten by mosquitoes once they return home. that means covering up, staying indoors whenever possible, and using insect repellant for three weeks. >> but want to emphasize the only zika in mosquitoes in the continental u.s. so far is in the miami area. john, thank you very much. we have a cbs news poll out tonight that find nearly two out of three americans believe that the federal government is not prepared to deal with zika. as the virus spreads, there is no new funding from congress and congress is on vacation through labor day. an expert on eyes puts his to work in a new career. coming up.
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you'd do anything to take care of that spot on your lawn. so why not take care of that spot on your skin? if you're a man over 50 you're in the group most likely to develop skin cancer, including melanoma, the cancer that kills 1 person every hour. check your skin for suspicious or changing spots. go to to find out what to look for. a message from the american academy of dermatology one in six americans get sick every year from food poisoning. to reduce your risk, follow these four simple steps one: wash your hands and preparation surfaces. two: separate raw meat, poultry, seafood and eggs from ready to eat foods. three: cook foods to the proper temperatures. four: refrigerate perishable foods properly at 40 degrees fahrenheit or below. for more tips to avoid food poisoning,
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they can stop a linebacker, snag a baseball, and catch the fastest man, but all they train are their eyes. here is jim axelrod. >> as usain bolt's smile remind us it is the single frame capturing the single moment that tells some of the most compelling stories. >> now, tense and turn. >> that's no surprise for howard schatz capturing the moments in his day job. >> how hard was it to get brian scott to pose like this.
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>> it wasn't hard. i spent half an hour interviewing him. >> schatz one of the world's great sports photographers. >> want it to be heroic and fantastic and magnificent. i want to bring throngs of people look and ooh and ah. >> 21 years ago, dr. howard schatz changed careers. the eye surgeon left one set of lenses for another. following a call-in to capture the brilliance of alternative -- athletes like sergio martinez. >> i had never seen anything like it. >> you knew you nailed it? >> i did. >> his work is part of an exhibit who shot sports at new york's brooklyn museum which includes everything from the oldest known sports photograph, dating from 1843, to mohammad ali running underwater. gail buckland the curator. >> sports photographs show us the beauty of the human body in
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they show us the passion, the sacrifice, and the victory. >> reporter: 230 images, some iconic, some last seen in a long-forgotten daily paper document the narrow slice of humanity where excellence dwells. >> these people take human potential as far as they possibly can. >> no it may not be the way most of us are following the olympics, but there is something about the richness of one still image that can move us in ways video cannot. howard schatz has built a career on that. >> i shoot to surprise and delight myself. truly. >> reporter: just one of many here who celebrate human movement by the way they stop motion. jim axelrod, cbs news, new york. >> that's the "cbs overnight news" for this thursday. for some of you, the news
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continues. for others, check back with us liitle ber lat for the morning news and "cbs this morning." from the broadcast center in new york city, i'm scott pelley. >> announcer: this is the "cbs overnight news." welcome to the "cbs overnight news." i'm michelle miller. less than three months to go until the presidential election there is another major shake-up at the top of donald trump's campaign. trump has hired two new executives and put them on top of his current campaign chairman, paul manafort. stephen bannonwho runs conservative website breitbart news, ceo, and, kelly ann conway named campaign manager. a sign that trump has no intention of softening his image as hke
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clinton. major garrett reports. >> donald trump is on his third campaign manager, first there was cory lewandowski, then manafort, now he is out in part because of a scandal linked to a former governor in ukraine, pro russian and maybe off the book payments to manafort. anyway before all that news broke, trump gave a speech that he hoped would appeal to african-american voters by accusing hillary clinton and the democratic party to being indifferent to inner city poverty. >> to every voter living in the inner city, or every forgotten stretch of our society, i am running to offer you a much better future. >> donald trump tried to diversify his political movement by condemning what he called decades of failed democratic urban rule. >> i'm asking for the volt of every african-american citizen struggling in our country today who wants a different and much better future. >> the message was new. but the audience was typical. overwhelmingly white. a recent poll shows trump attracting just 2% of
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less than half what mitt romney got in exit polls from 2012 election. >> we will reject bigotry, hatred and oppression in all of its many ugly forms. >> from the start of his campaign, trump has drawn criticism for racial incense sensitivity. >> he is a mexican. >> look at my african-american over here. look at him. are you the greatest? >> this time, trump rekindled a long running conservative argument that democratic policies are to blame for urban despair. >> the african-american community has been taken for granted for decades, by the democratic party. and look how they're doing. >> electing hillary clinton would further enflame racial tensions. >> we reject the bigotry of hillary clinton which panneders to and talks down to communities of color, and sees them only as votes. that's all they care about. hillary clinton may be answering for questions about
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her private e-mail server while secretary of state. the fbi sent congress notes and documents from its investigation. nancy cordes reports. >> reporter: the fbi report labeled clinton material, secret. warning leak prone lawmakers it was provided with expectation it will not be disseminated or disclosed without fbi concurrence. the trove of documents includes interview summaries which republicans will pour over looking for discrepancies what clinton told fbi agents and what she told congress. >> nothing was marked classified at the time i sent or received it. >> reporter: republicans are trying to make the case that clinton should be prosecuted for perjury and false statements. the latest salvo in a 17-month war over her use of a private e-mail account and server as secretary of state. the 68-year-old clinton got a clean bill of health from her
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doctor last year, but that hasn't stopped some far right web sites from spreading a fake letter from that doctor claiming that she has dementia and is prone to blacking out. at first it seemed like an incredible feat, hunter, josh bowmar went out hunting armed with a spear. he let it fly and hit the animal from 40 feet away. that's when the trouble began. turns out bowman had baited the bear with food. after he hit the animal. he let it run away and die only to retrieve the body the next day. what's more, he posted the kill online. don dahler reports. >> josh bowmar, an ohio fitness trainer and former all american javelin champion. he spent several years preparing for this type of hunt which happened earlier this year. canadian authorities are now reportedly investigating whether the 26-year-old broke any laws. >> the 13 minute video shows josh bowmar celebrating after
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the woods of alberta canada. the bear was lured with bait. and bowmar's spear equipped with a gopro camera. the bear's remains were recovered the next day. >> this got full penetration. >> the video since been made private caused outrage on social media and drew criticism from animal rights groups. in response, the alberta environment and parks department reportedly called spear hunting unacceptable. and asked authorities to investigate. >> the reason i, i've been filming the hunts since i was 14 is because i always wanted to have my own show. >> i've don't think killing an animal should be entertainment. >> johnny sain writes about conservation and avid hunter. >> it is a spiritual experience. you are stepping inside the circle. and that triggers all kind of old primal emotions. i don't know if that is something that need to be shared with the general audience.
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cbs this morning, bowmar says the bear i speared only ran 60 yards and died immediately. that's as humane and ethical as one could get. >> that's the way humans acquire meat for many, many years before gunpowder. before the bow and arrow. so, it's the weapon is effective. >> political commentator, john mclaughlin died tuesday at 89. he had been battling prostate cancer. mclaughlin worked for two presidents but was best known for his long running panel show, the mclaughlin group. charlie rose has more. >> reporter: john mclaughlin was part of the sunday morning ritual more than three decades. >> an essay -- >> reporter: the american original brought the political panel to the masses and mclaughlin was known to work
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>> say to john tower, john, your time has come in interest of the pare, yourself, the republic you, ought to withdraw your nomination? has the time come? >> for all i care, they could name it -- >> before you get too high on your high horse, listen to this. >> reporter: before he tackled national and world politics, the he was a jesuit priest. he got the call to enter politics in 1970. though he made an unsuccessful bid for the u.s. senate he wound up in the white house as richard nixon's speech writer. the public affairs program launched in 1982. >> the mclaughlin group's most important fan. >> reporter: by 1985, mclaughlin was being roasted by president ronald reagan. >> in america's diet of political commentary, nutritional values fall some where between potato chips and twinkies. by raising his issues and making predictions, mclaughlin minted partisan talk. >> let's move on. this is getting a little boring. >> reporter: his trademark signoff made sure he had the
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american olympic gymnast, aly raisman coming homwi three medals. took silver in floor exercises beaten by her teammate simone biles. the first american gymnast to medal in black to back olympic games. jamie yuccas spoke with her proud parents. >> reporter: with tuesday's near perfect floor roe.utin aly raisman ended her run in rio with a silver medal behind friend and teammate, simone biles. the 22-year-old has three medals to add to the three she won in london in 2012. >> i don't think any one knows how many hours goes into the training and how grueling it is. >> rick and lynn are a ly's parents. they spent much of the two decades living as gym rats. it should come as no surprise they watch every flip, jump and twist with nervous anticipation.
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the moment. and you know even though she practices it a million times, it's still, still got to do it. >> the whole time i am thinking up, get through this. hurry up. let the minute and a half go by quick. >> while their performance in the stands won't earn them any medals they have become almost as famous as their daughter. >> you kind are oblivious to anything else that is going on in the world. so it's just, you are so focused on the routine. >> raisman's performance is a redemption after taking a year long break from the sport following the london games. >> she will never say the was harder coming back. a dad being into sports i know it was a lot harder. >> even the best gymnasts rarely make it to multiple olympics. so raisman's final flip on to the podium is that much more impressive.
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energetic and still so supportive. it is very special and something that we'll always cherish. >> the tiny asian nation of bhutan was shut out in the olympic archery competition again. and the women's bracket, karma, her name, lost to an archer from russia in the round of 64. maybe it's because the targets were too close. barry peterson paid a visit to bhutan before the games began. >> reporter: we have our baseball. in bhutan, the national pastime and passion is archery. competitions bring villages together across this nation. tucked into the himalayas. and attract everyone from peasant to prince. american, oxford educated prince is a regular at tournaments. why is archery important in bhutan's culture? >> archery played a part in building nationalism and
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national identity through sport. >> and the prince was there with pointers for the royal visit by the other prince, and princess. william and kate. she took aim in the spirit of friendship. certainly friendlier than in the 1860s when british red coats were kept at bay by bhutan's long-range archers. as they did, for centuries against other invaders. bhutanese archers show their stuff. hitting targets. 476 feet away. and like school teachers, competing at this local tournament, still proud of doing it the old-fashioned way. with bamboo, bow, and arrow. >> this one is a special one. yonka. >> the yonka type of bamboo. >> similar. this yonka costs the most. >> of course at the olympics, bhutan's hopefuls will be wielding, competition approved, high tech, carbon fiber bows and arrows and shoot at targets half
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as the far as they used to. 26-year-old karma won a handful of medals in an asian competition and is thrilled to compete in rio. >> being in the olympics is a very, very, big deal. it makes bhutan proud.% >> she carried her nation's flag at friday night's opening ceremonies. and even though, no bhutanese archer has ever won an olympic medal, the prince who heads its olympic committee has faith that karma its a fighting chance at glory. >> it's in our blood. it's in our blood. we hope we can perform at the international scene. it may run in our genes in our dna. ♪ marcopolo! marco...! polo! marco...! polo! marco...! polo! marco...! sì? polo! marco...! polo! scusa?
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coming breyers gelato indulgences it's way beyond ice cream. this clean was like - pow. everything well? it felt like i had just gone to the dentist. it just kind of like, wiped everything clean. my teeth are glowing. they are so white. crest [hd]. 6x cleaning, 6x whitening. and at two weeks superior sensitivity relief to the leading sensitivity toothpaste. i actually really like the two steps! crest [hd]. step 1 cleans, step 2 whitens. it's the whole package. no one's done this. crest - healthy, beautiful smiles for life. our bacteria family's been on this alright kiddos!erations. everybody off the backpack, we made it to the ottoman. i like to watch them clean, but they'll never get me on the mattress! finally there's a disinfectant mist designed for sofas, mattresses and more. introducing new lysol max cover. its innovative cap has a 2x wider spray
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way to lysol that. ♪ over the decade, athletes have gotten bigger and faster. and stronger. and now, some are keeping active well into their senior years. lee cowen spoke to elder athletes about what it takes to go the distance. >> attention athletes. this is the final call. >> if you are sitting on your couch, maybe after an extra waffle or two, you haven't worked out in a while. this story may make you feel a
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but it may also inspire you. after all, how could you not be inspired by some one like dottie gray. on the day of the race she was 90. yep, 90. says so right on her leg. >> i race about 50 times a year. 50 runs. >> we caught up with her she was competing in the world senior games in southern utah. over the years, she has more than once ended up being the fastest runner in her age group. fastest in the world. that is. >> got the two golds. oh, my gosh. >> she has won so many medals, she jangles. around almost any track. >> you're dody, aren't you. >> she is a silver haired celebrity. >> keep movin. that's the main thing.
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and it doesn't matter how old you are. you can always start. you never are too old to start. >> orville rodgers didn't start running until he was in his 50s. he is now 98. just two years shy of a century. still works out up to ten hours a week. >> what do you kid old? >> five years older than i am. >> yeah, that's old. >> outstanding overall male athlete of the year. >> orville has broken 15 world records. shattering them the way most people his age might shatter a hip. >> to this day, lee, i amount only man in the world that has run a ten minute mile after age 90. i amount only man in the world that has run a 15 minute mile after age 95. i'm brag, aren't i. >> you have every reason to brag. >> such a massive -- >> a pilot during world war ii. later flu for braneff airlines, orville knows he has been blessed with good genes. not super human either. heart troubles led to bypass surgery.
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had a stroke, not too long ago. but his consistent level of physical activity and his unfailingly positive outlook on life have made orville a true life man of steel. >> i have a determination to hang in there. keep going. never give up. >> reporter: let's face it there are perfectly rational reasons to not want to work out when you get older. it hurts. you are worried about falling. you didn't have friend around any more to work out with. and yet, it's pretty hard to argue with the results. >> let's stop there. >> dickson hemphill, by far the oldest person at george mason university field house in virginia. he is 91. pushing himself to stay active he says, isn't always fun. >> sometimes these racize run, it's not easy. and i feel like quitting when i'm halfway through. >> reporter: but you don't. >> i don't know no. >> he was an undefeated pole vaulter in high school. but, that was way back in the
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other than golf and a little tennis, he didn't do much as he got older. until one day, he went to a track meet. >> i tried the mile. i got about halfway through and started walking. >> reporter: really? >> i looked around and saw these other people. thinking if they can do it i can. he hasn't stopped running since. we wanted to see what effect that determination has had on his body. >> this arm is progressively going to move down. >> reporter: with his doctor's permission we brought hem to the department of exercise and nutrition scientists at george washington university. where this machine scanned just how much body fat dixon has been carrying around. >> in a perfect specimen, what would you see, if it is different than this? >> in a perfect specimen, you would see this the your body fat is excellent. it is 14%. >> wow. >> that is in the athletic category for a 20-year-old. >> reporter: a 20-year-old. imagine that.
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>> that's amazing. find that out from this. >> yeah. >> okay. whenever you are ready. >> we can't all be dixon. or orville. or dottie for that matter. they're all exceptions. >> i was hoping to compete until i was 90. well now i made that. so, i will go on, maybe, hopefully a few years. >> reporter: but for the rest of us as we lose muscle mass, the effects of low physical activity >>e increasingly pronounced.
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late as their 70s or 80s cannot only cheat old age, but they also substantially reduce their risk of alzheimers and dementia as doing something as simple as walking. >> what we noticed with two decades of aging research is those people who remain active, their rate of decline is much slower. >> at the usa track & field indoors masters championships in albuquerque, new mexico, this past march. the best of the oldest came out to prove age is just a number. >> you ready to go? >> i don't know. >> ha-ha. >> despite that hesitation, orville and dixon wouldn't miss this for the world. >> it's hard not to get excited. >> orville's excitement was infectious. as was his performance in the 1500 meter he broke another world record. truth is he set that record. no one 95 or older has ever raced it. >> go all the way around this
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>> you got it. >> in the 400 meter race for men. over 90, it was just orville and dixon alone, competing. by their last lap they have the crowd on their feet. just look at that smile. on orville's face. dixon, 7 years his soon year. beat him and was, waiting for him at the finish line. with a handshake. you don't seem winded? >> now, i am okay. well i wasn't that winded. because it is not that long a distance. i can handle that pretty well. >> what does it feel look when you hear everybody cheering for you? >> can't describe it? >> yeah. >> there you go, gentle men. well done. >> you can't help be around the two of them and not feel empowered. >> put them on? >> might as well. >> orville and dixon took the medal stand, side by side.
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nearly 200 years of life experience between them.
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people take action against housing discrimination? my co-worker was pressured by her landlord to pay her rent with sexual favors. my neighbor was told she needs to get rid of her dog, even though he's an assistance animal. housing discrimination is illegal. if you think you've been a victim, report it to hud. like we did. narrator: they all reported discrimination and were able to secure their fair housing rights under the law. visit or call the hud hotline. fair housing is your right. use it.
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helps students develop strong critical thinking skills- [boy] kinda like exercising my brain? yeah! see this old question? it doesn't tell me whether you understand the math, because you can just guess and get it right. [boy] eenie meanie miny mo! [woman] exactly. now try this new kind of question. [boy] hm, 3/2 is the same as 3 one halves; that's here at one and one half! [woman] right! now i can see that you really understand fractions. and the number line. [boy] do i win anything? [woman. laughs] ah! ha-ha ♪ [female narrator] even if you're not planning on getting pregnant now, you should know that foods rich in folic acid like white bread
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irth defects before you even know you're pregnant. captioning funded by cbs it's thursday, august 18th, 2016. this is the "cbs morning news." the wildfire in southern california swells to more than 25,000 acres. thousands of people have been told to leave but some families are staying put. breaking overnight. two u.s. swimmers were pulled off a plane out of brazil after a judge questioned ryan lochte's claim the team was robbed at gun point in rio. what the judge saw in this surveillance video that has the team in hot water. and flanked by two new faces running his campaign, donald trump meets with his national security advisers and gets his first intelligence briefing.


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